HK ViuTV interview in Zurich

HK ViuTV interview in Zurich

See me on ViuTV, 24th Feb at 23:00 sharing my music and life in Zurich! Don’t miss it 🙂 ViuTV 24th Feb 23:00 搵食搵過界 採訪在瑞士香港人,很高興向大家分享我在蘇黎世的音樂與生活,下星期電視見

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Tickets Sold out

Tickets Sold out

Thank you for your incredible support, all tickets are officially sold out Next concert: May 28th, 7pm Zurich Thank you and see you soon!

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Marimba Duo Autumn Concert 2024

Marimba Duo Autumn Concert 2024

Lavaterhaus, Zurich, November 1st, 2024This concert hall can accommodate 100 people, and two days before the performance, 90% of the tickets were already sold. Many people also came to purchase tickets on the spot. The concert hall assistants were busy throughout,...

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Dream and Music

Dream and Music

There is so much music about dreams, and my favorite is Schumann's Träumerei from Kinderszenen (Scenes from Childhood).The music captures the childhood life and memories through the eyes of an adult—so melancholic, tender, innocent, and profound....

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Reflections on Practicing Bach’s “Goldberg Variations”

Reflections on Practicing Bach’s “Goldberg Variations”

Bach = Composer + Scientist + Mathematician + Perfectionist My thoughts while practicing the "Goldberg Variations" Highly Scientific Musical Structure – The music exhibits a high level of precision and logic, with each note calculated as meticulously as a mathematical...

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What is Music?

What is Music?

Music is an art form that transcends mere sound; it is a profound expression of emotion and creativity. Western Perspective: The English word "Music" originates from the ancient Greek word μουσική (mousike), which means "the art of the Muses," symbolizing...

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Creating Profound Music

Creating Profound Music

Creating Profound Music Musicians are often sensitive and sentimental; let's make good use of this uniqueness to create more profound works.

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The beauty of music

The beauty of music

What is The beauty of music? Melody: Creates lasting impressions in memory.Harmony: Fosters a sense of concord.Rhythm: Organizes the passage of time.Timbre: Imparts unique characteristics.Structure: Shapes the overall layout of a piece.Expression: Interprets the...

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Sincere Music

Sincere Music

Sincere Music performed with genuine emotion, honesty, and heartfelt expression. Genuine Emotion - Sincere and profound emotionsPersonal Experience - Personal life stories that are authentic and uniqueMusical Integrity - Uncompromising in artistic...

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“If you think you can, you can.”

“If you think you can, you can.”

I look forward to the new work having: A new auditory and visual experienceA new form of expressionA challenge to existing aesthetic conceptsHigh level of challengeNew elementsStrong appealInfluence What I don't want: Following traditional rulesLack of innovationNo...

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