The Musician’s Journey: A Path of Self-Discovery
To understand oneself.I have an inherent, vibrant life force that is raw and authentic. It may be challenging to tame and control, but I have the courage to pursue and create with it.I see myself as a beam of light.How about you?
What is musical expression?
It is the ability to evoke emotional responses in people and bring music to life. It also refers to the way in which a performer conveys emotion, character, and meaning through music. This involves various elements that go beyond the mere technical execution of notes,...
Summer Concert
The concert that took place two weeks ago was truly unforgettable. It was a full house with nearly 150 people. Personally, I really enjoy concerts of this scale because the atmosphere is warm, and there isn’t a great sense of distance between me and the audience. At...
Rational and Emotional Aspects of Music
Rational: Theory Rhythm and Meter Scales and Tonality ArrangementTechnical Training Orchestration Emotional: Emotional Expression Musical Expression Resonance and Empathy Improvisation My emotional thinking is inherently...
Distance Dynamics
The upcoming project I'm working on involves collaborating with a duo partner from Karlsruhe, while I'm based in Zurich. These two cities are roughly 280 kilometres apart. Rehearsing together isn't always easy due to the distance. Consequently, our rehearsal sessions...
Concert Preparation
Before every performance, I naturally feel nervous, sometimes my heart races up to 130 beats per minute right before going on stage. I usually don't eat anything in the hours leading up to the show. After finishing warm-up and sound checks, making sure my mallets are...
Marimba Romance HK
Excited to see everyone in Hong Kong! Tickets will be available starting in November.
Beauty in Art
Art brings a multitude of beauty into our lives. Learning music enhances our sensitivity to beauty. Above all, it cultivates resilience and independence of character.
Timeless Elegance
Beauty—beautiful people, things, landscapes, melodies, colours, and lines, etc.—everyone's perception of beauty differs greatly, it's highly subjective. The work of artists and musicians revolves around discovering beauty, creating beauty, and expressing beauty. As...
Surreal Surprise
The characteristics of Surrealist works are fascinating and include: Elements of surpriseStrong contrasts of juxtaposed objectsAnti-logic I find pleasure in exploring the unknown, transforming impossibilities into possibilities, and bringing imaginative ideas to life...
Surreal Resonance
The next concert in Hong Kong will be a collaboration with the Polish artist K. Pawlosky. I believe the crossover between Surrealism and Marimba will definitely spark a lot of creativity and excitement.
Heartfelt Thanks
Thank you wholeheartedly for your support, trust, and encouragement. There were too many people at the concert, and I saw many familiar faces but didn't have the chance to thank everyone. The applause after the encore was truly inspiring. Once again, thank you to...